The Swindlers on Tour
The "Swindlers on Tour" returned from France on Thursday [17 March], red of face and eyes following the non-stop sun, temperatures in the 20's and long evenings with the local plonk flowing. Ken Johnson took the major awards .... best combined stableford points, and best points total on the par 3's. Well done Ken!
Sunday started at Moliets with some very fatigued Swindlers posting the worst scores of the week, with three 19's, a 20, a 24 and [yours truly] with 32 points and the first birdie of the tour. The 12th hole (a par 3) was out of use due to ground works and - typical of the French - it wasn't mentioned, and we didn't find out until we arrived at the tee!
Monday, and off to Chantaco, where yours truly continued the surge with 17pts on the first seven holes - and then the wheels came off, and stayed off, and couldn't be reset until the last few holes of the final day!
Ken had a stonking round at Chantaco with 38 points followed by Trevor with 32. Bob [The Freezer] and Trevor both got birdies. And then we found the little Basque bistro - Sidrerie Hernani... oh dear!
Tuesday, and off to Chiberta - best course of the week - where Trevor and Stuart both posted 34 points, and both also got birdies (Trevor's second).
On Wednesday, at Makila, The Freezer discovered cardiac hill and had to wait a while before teeing off - even though it was his honour! Best score of the day was Ken again, with 35 points. Bob posted a 30, but everyone else was in the 20's - although one hole was out of play due to drainage work.
An early start on Thursday saw the tour head back to Moliets for an 8:34 tee time .... only to discover the club house wasn't open until 9:00! Sacre bleu!! However, the locals were friendly and we got off on time. Ken and Trevor were battling for Tour Trophy, and both tried desperately to be charitable early in the round. However, Ken's 28 points was enough to secure the trophy for the second year, as Trevor came home with 27.